Top Local Marketing Trends for Medical Clinics in 2024

May 10, 2024 1:37 PM

Top Local Marketing Trends for Medical Clinics in 2024

The global economy continues to reel under the turbulence generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact has been severe and widespread across multiple industries, and healthcare is no exception. 

Besides affecting operations, market uncertainties and changing consumer preferences have significantly altered the way medical clinics approach marketing strategy. 

Marketing budgets at private medical clinics have a wide range, from conservative to moderate and aggressive. According to one survey, most clinics (62%) spend between just 1% and 5% of their revenue on marketing. At the other end of the spectrum, 3% of medical clinics spend between 31% and 40% of their annual revenue on marketing. 

The following graphic shows another set of statistics from the same survey.  


Despite varying budget sizes, the key challenge for medical clinics lies in making the most of each dollar spent. 

While conventional efforts like Google ads, print media advertising, and email campaigns are still necessary, there is a pressing need to leverage newer trends. Medical clinics must come up with innovative strategies to enhance online visibility, foster better patient engagement, and drive higher footfall.

This report delves into the top local marketing trends for medical clinics in 2024. These trends will help clinics navigate marketing challenges, stand out in competitive markets, and achieve sustainable growth.

1. Leverage Video Content Marketing 

Video marketing reigns supreme across platforms and has become a cornerstone of digital marketing. 

By stepping in front of the camera, management and employees can establish a more personal connection with potential patients while enhancing trust and credibility. This personal touch is invaluable in an industry where patient relationships are paramount.

According to the Application of Video Marketing Statistics Report by NogenTech, all three major social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok - are dominated by video content. It found that 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. 

The overwhelming preference for video underscores its effectiveness in engaging audiences. Embracing video marketing can be transformative for medical clinics and practitioners. It’s a medium that lets them showcase their expertise, introduce their facilities, and share patient testimonials. Videos can significantly influence the decision-making process not just in potential clients, but also partners, vendors, and other stakeholders. 

Drive Authentic Engagement with Video Marketing

To leverage video marketing effectively, medical clinics must focus on creating genuine and engaging content that directly addresses the concerns and needs of their audience. 

This can be achieved by producing videos of various types. 

  • For instance, explainer videos that educate viewers about common procedures or conditions clearly and informally. 
  • Another type is behind-the-scenes videos that offer a glimpse into a clinic's facilities, technology, staff, and general environment. These videos can help build trust and credibility. 
  • Compilations of patient testimonials is another impactful way of providing social proof of a clinic's quality of care and outcomes.

A good example of healthcare video marketing can be seen on the YouTube channel called Thrive Dentist, which is led by  Dr Nathan Coughlin, a USC-trained orthodontist based in Dallas, TX. 

It features multiple videos on a range of topics, from teeth whitening and cavity fillings to braces and root canals. These videos establish Dr Nathan as a leading expert in his field, garner attention, and drive traffic to his clinic's website and social media pages. 

Successful video marketing by dentist Dr Nathan Coughlin

He uses videos to connect with his audience, strengthen his brand, and attract new patients. His over 52,000 subscribers are evidence of the impact of his video marketing efforts as a dentist.

Maximizing Reach and Engagement: Leveraging Video Content Across Platforms

To maximize the impact of your video content, make sure to repurpose and share them across multiple platforms, including Instagram reels, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and local TV spots. A multi-channel approach ensures wider visibility and maximizes return on investment in content production. 

Clinicians can increase their reach and engagement by meeting consumers on the platforms where they are most active.

Research indicates that Instagram reels have shown the highest average engagement compared to other types of posts. It is a format that allows clinics to gain more likes and comments while enhancing their online visibility and engagement. 

2. Boost Local Business Rankings with SEO and Online Presence

Optimizing your local online presence has become increasingly crucial with the evolution of AI-driven search behaviours. Platforms like Google My Business and local listings can significantly enhance a medical clinic's visibility in organic searches. 

Just consider the fact that medical services account for the highest percentage (75%) of business listings on Google My Business.

Google's ranking systems prioritize original, high-quality content that embodies E-A-T principles, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. 

This means content is ranked based on the quality of content, whether it be in the form of text, images, or video and regardless of the author. 

Optimize Local Listings with Up-to-date Information

Clinics must keep their Google My Business profiles updated with current info, appealing photos, and videos. Encouraging reviews and responding to feedback is equally crucial to maintain visibility in local searches. 

Take the example of GoodLife Chiropractor based in Campbell, CA. 

The establishment has an up-to-date profile with photos, reviews, contact information, and working hours. It has been expertly done to showcase their facility and drive website traffic.

Goodlife Chripractors’ Well-maintained Business Profile for Optimized Local SEO

Finally, remember that AI can help clinics analyze user behaviour and preferences and enable them to tailor their content and engagement strategies effectively. A data-driven approach allows clinics to optimize their Google My Business profiles to better meet the needs of their target audiences. 


Create Community-Centric Content

Creating community-centric content involves tailoring your message to resonate with the specific needs and interests of your local audience. 

For instance, a clinic located near a retirement community or elderly care facility can produce content focusing on senior health issues, caregiving tips, and local resources for seniors. They can share information about community events that cater to older adults, such as health fairs or senior exercise classes. 

This type of localized content helps in local SEO by targeting specific keywords and topics relevant to the community, which leads to higher rankings in online searches. It helps increase patient footfall and strengthen a clinic's presence in the community.

Google Trends map for 'children's hospital in USA' showing regional interest peaks

3. Build and Engage in Strategic Partnerships

Building alliances with local businesses and health organizations can significantly expand a clinic's reach and credibility within the community. 

A clinic can establish rewarding and mutually beneficial relationships by identifying potential partners - such as gyms, local health food stores, and community centers - that align with its mission and values. 

When organizations collaborate, they can pool their resources and expertise to provide better care for their communities. 

According to a report by MarkWide Research, some fitness clubs now provide access to holistic health services like mental health programs and mindfulness sessions. For instance, a mental health clinic can partner with a fitness club and collaborate to offer comprehensive health and wellness services to their communities. 

Besides benefiting patients, such partnerships help both organizations gain visibility and business through online and offline promotion.

4. Leverage Client Advocacy

Existing patients can be the most effective promoters for a medical clinic, as sharing their positive experiences can build credibility and attract new patients. 

To harness the full potential of client advocacy, clinics can develop referral programs that incentivize current patients to refer friends and family. Such programs can include rewards such as discounts on future services or small gifts for successful referrals.


Activate Evangelists: Empower Patients as Promoters

Develop shareable content for use on social media to amplify word-of-mouth promotion. This type of content can include patient testimonials, success stories, and educational articles that patients can easily share with their network. 

Special events such as open houses or health fairs can also be used to encourage current patients to invite others and expand a clinic's reach.

When implementing patient-to-patient referral programs, clinics must ensure the process is simple and convenient. This can be done by offering referral cards or links that patients can easily share with others. Make sure to incentivize both the referrer and the new patient to  increase participation in the program.

When it comes to doctor-to-patient referrals, clinics can leverage digital tools such as email marketing, referral tracking software, or personalized messages through patient portals. 

These tools can allow doctors to recommend specific services or treatments to patients based on their needs and increase the likelihood of a successful referral. 

The market size of patient referral tracking tools stood at $9.1 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow by 17.2% from 2024 to 2032.

5. Make Informed Decisions With Data

Creativity is important in marketing, but so is data!

A recent PwC report says that leaders who drive collaborations and leverage data and analytics gain a significant competitive edge. It found that 81% of chief marketing officers  For medical clinics, utilizing analytics is key to understanding what works and refining strategies. This involves analyzing patient demographics, engagement metrics, and campaign results to make more informed decisions. For example, clinics can track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, appointment bookings, and patient satisfaction scores. Regular review of such data allows clinics to improve their marketing efforts continuously. 

Based on data analysis, clinics can adjust their marketing strategies, focusing more on channels and content that drive results. For instance, if analytics show that a particular social media platform is driving the most engagement, clinics can allocate more resources to that platform and tailor content to better resonate with their audience. By embracing data-driven decision-making, clinics can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their marketing efforts are effective and adaptable to changing market conditions.

Managing KPIs with Data-Driven Decisions

Identify KPIs: Select metrics like website traffic, appointment bookings, and patient satisfaction scores.

Collect Data: Use analytics tools to gather KPI data.

Analyze Data: Identify trends and areas for improvement.

Set Goals: Establish specific, measurable goals for each KPI.

Implement Changes: Make data-driven decisions to improve KPI performance.

Monitor Progress: Track KPIs regularly to measure progress.

Adjust Strategies: Modify strategies if KPIs are not meeting targets.

Measure Impact: Evaluate the impact of changes on KPIs to ensure effectiveness.

Boost Your Clinic's Visibility and Engagement with Effective Local Marketing Solution

Optimize your medical clinic's marketing strategy with Vix, a top-tier digital marketing agency. Our specialized solutions are tailored to elevate your clinic's online presence and attract more patients. Partner with Vix for targeted local marketing strategies that drive tangible results. 

Partner with Vix for tailored local marketing strategies that deliver measurable results